January 2016 saw the commencement of strike action in West Dunbartonshire Secondary schools as the EIS local association stepped up its campaign against the widespread introduction of faculty heads and a cut in pastoral care PT posts.
It was the first of 5 strike days (following a ballot where 9 out 10 members voting supported the strikes) which eventually led to a win for the branch but just as importantly the campaign set down a marker of the willingness of EIS members to take industrial action where and when required.
The Union’s organising agenda was to the fore with local reps including members in frequent dialogue, debate, and decision-making, thereby creating cohesion and solidarity across the campaign.
Research, interviews and substantive writing:
Adi Bloom
Design and lay-out:
Stuart Cunningham and Paul Benzie
Additional writing and research:
EIS Comms Team and assorted staff members
Printed by:
Ivanhoe Caledonian, Seafield Edinburgh
Graham Edwards, Mark Jackson, Elaine Livingston, Toby Long, Ian Marshall, Alan McCredie, Alan Richardson, Graham Riddell, Lenny Smith, Johnstone Syer, Alan Wylie
Thanks to the many former activists and officers who gave of their time to be interviewed and taken a stroll down memory lane. And of course a very special thanks to the EIS members who created this history through their activism and commitment to the cause of Scottish Education.
© 2022 The Educational Institute of Scotland